God, but picking at things feels so GOOD. Glad this had a happy if painful ending!

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Even after all of this it's still a solid 6.5/10 would do again

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Picking at things I should leave well alone including hair, nails, broken skin, edges of teeth, lips, etc has single handedly kept me entertained, stressed, hurt and broken all these years. I think its in the inherent nature of mine to fidget constantly. If I had put all of that dexterous attention elsewhere I would have been a billionaire by now....or a lunatic. Glad you got Soccorso-ed Pronto.

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Give this man a fidget spinner stat! Or were those a figment of my imagination?

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You've been at the Pronto Soccorso more times than me now :) I am glad you are well now. Working in a hospital has its perks, I gotta say!

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Lucky you! Not even as a kid? Impressive. My only other times was when I once cramped my neck whilst combing my hair on an inconspicuous morning and it got so tight I went to lay down but could hardly get up anymore. My mom took me to the ER and they had to prescribe muscle relaxers lol

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ouch! that sounds like a post-25-year-old kind of injury

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Well I was the ripe old age of 19 at the time 🙃

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Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy.. me? I’m always straight off to the doctor even if it ends up that there is nothing wrong 😁

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You're like my boss, then! Well, I guess combining my style of healthcare and your style of healthcare evens out to a balanced approach

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I hate to upset the balance the two of you have found... I tend more in the direction of Annexes, avoiding the doctor for as long as possible or until I know exactly what the problem is on my own.

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I think for me, it's also Dutch culture. Dutch GPs are notorious for slapping a 'come back in two weeks if it's not over by then' on it. I must confess that most often it actually is over by then. So it's basically learned helplessness for me to hold off going to the doctor for a good while

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Well at my age (80) I figure it is best to be sure rather than dead 😂

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